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IWI Masada Pistol Review

IWI Masada Pistol Review

IWI Masada Pistol Review The Israelis make good stuff. Their lives often depend on it. They are among the most technologically advanced countries in the world. When it comes to weaponry, weapons are quite advanced and combat tested. As an active FBI agent and member of the Special Operations Unit, I spent time with the then commander of Sayeret Maktal (Unit 269) at his retired general’s father’s home in Jerusalem. Giora and I had met while training with Germany’s GSG9 and he had just returned from an operation and still had all his equipment and weapons with him.

Giora was also instrumental in freeing hostage children being held at border Kibbutz Misgav AM. Showing Don B. and I his Galil SAR. He advised that he had an appointment with arms and technology representatives to give them feedback. On how well or poorly their products functioned under field combat conditions. Routinely, after every punch up he and his men would evaluate weapons and equipment performance.  So that the gear could be tweaked to better meet the demands of the unit.

This type of military industrial cooperation was essential to maintain Israel’s technical edge over its more numerous neighborhood threats. Among some of the items that benefitted from this relationship were his Steiner binoculars with enhanced ranging capabilities modified by engineers at the now defunct IMI (Israeli Military Industries)